Thursday, November 5, 2009

Google does not find the Embedded Silverlight documentation

I don't why Microsoft does this, but unitl this moment doing the following search only leads to Valter's blog. On Bing you do get to the MSDN documentation...

By the way here is the link to the documentation:

Weird and hurts only the developers.

apparently it just took Google some time to crawl it. Now the documentation is available on Google as well.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What I hate most about Platform Builder

This list of things will be updated from time to time:
  1. When you open a new OSDesign and run Sysgen only to find out that the default settings are for Debug and now you need to wait another 20 minures while Sysgening the Release build.
  2. When Platform Builder hits a DEBUGCHK in Debug mode it automatically opens the assembly window.
  3. ...